Chakra Breathing, Gemstone Healing and Their Practice

Chakras are centers of energy that regulate our emotions.

The word chakra in Sanskrit means “wheel” and it responds to the flow of energy in our body. When aligned and “spinning properly”, they help our mind and body work to their best ability as the chakras correspond to our nervous system and major organs.

It is important that before you practice chakra breathing you are aware of each of the chakras, their purpose, where they are located and how to tell if any are blocked within you.

The body consists of seven chakras:

  1. Root Chakra: This chakra represents our basic or fundamental needs—such as food and water, shelter, and financial independence. It acts as the primary link between the outside world and our internal energetic system. It is situated at the bottom of the spine. An aligned root chakra grants us confidence and a sense of purpose, but when it is blocked we may feel vulnerable. Other mental effects of our root chakra being unaligned include anxiety, depression, rage, resentment, and/or suicidal thoughts. Physical symptoms of a unaligned root chakra can include sluggishness, bladder issues, cramping, inflammation, and/or lower back problems.

    To balance the root, use counted breaths with breath retention. Close your eyes and envision roots growing from under your seat. Count to 4 as you breathe in, hold the breath in for 4 counts, breathe out for 4 counts, and then hold the breath out for another 4 counts.

    The best gemstones for the root chakra include Hematite, Bloodstone, and Garnet.

  2. Sacral Chakra: This chakra is in control of creativity and sexual energy, as well as our gut instinct. It exists about 2 inches below the navel in the lower abdomen. An aligned sacral chakra allows us the understanding of our emotions and the emotions of others. When this chakra is unaligned, we may feel jealousy, fear, isolation and detachment, and/or a lack of control within our own lives. Physical effects of a blockage within this chakra can include irregular menstrual cycles, addictive behaviors, and/or urinary problems and kidney infections.

    To balance the sacral chakra, the practice of left nostril breathing, or Ida Nadi breathing, is most beneficial. Start by closing your right nostril with the first two fingers of your right hand then inhale and exhale through the left nostril for 9 breaths.

    The best gemstone for the sacral chakra is Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, and Sunstone.

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra: This chakra acts as the energy powerhouse of the body. It lies at the bottom points where both our lungs join together. An aligned sacral chakra allows you the freedom to express your true self. When this chakra is blocked, you may find yourself feeling helpless and immobile. Other mental signs of this chakra being unaligned can include constant aggression, being quick to anger, lack of direction, neediness, and/or poor self-esteem. The physical effects of this chakra being blocked may also include constipation, eating disorders, diabetes, diseases of the colon and other illnesses relating to the navel.

    To balance the solar plexus, it is best to practice skull-shining breath—a pranayama technique that helps to release toxins and reenergize the mind and body.

    Take a seat and close your eyes. Touch the forefinger and thumb together on each hand. Passively inhale through your nose and quickly exhale also through your nose, as you draw your belly back toward your spine. Repeat this breathing technique as many times as you feel comfortable.

    The best gemstones for the solar plexus chakra are Amber, Yellow Jasper, and Agate.

  4. Heart Chakra: This chakra acts as an extension between the lower and upper chakras. It is located in the middle of the chest and much like it’s name suggests, it has everything to do with how we give and receive love. Someone with an aligned heart chakra possess the ability to have deep connections with not only their peers, but themselves as well. A blocked heart chakra will cause someone to be emotionally unavailable and difficult to get along with others or build genuine relationships. This person may also be overly critical of others, overly demanding of others, and/or tend to play the victim. A blocked heart chakra can cause someone to be lacking in the ability to establish personal boundaries as they will often overextend themselves to help others. Physical signs of a closed heart chakra include hypertension, tight chest pains, and cardiovascular problems—making chakra breathing essential in reparation of this chakra.

    Before you begin your practice, focus on your posture and open up your chest/heart. Take a moment to meditate with your hands met together at the center of chest as if you are in prayer, taking regular breaths. Release your hands to your side or where you feel most comfortable. Close your mouth and take a slow, deep breath in through your nose. On the inhale, you want your belly to fill with air and get bigger like a balloon. On the exhale, tighten your stomach muscles, so that your stomach moves in, causing your hand to lower as you exhale through pursed lips.

    The best gemstones for the heart chakra are Rose Quartz, Emerald, Rhodonite, and Peridot.

  5. Throat Chakra: This chakra represents communication as it is located in the middle of the throat. When your throat chakra is open, you may find that you often feel at peace as you have consistently spoken your truth. Someone with a closed throat chakra may be shy, afraid to speak, hard to listen, and/or have a reputation of telling lies. Physical signs of this chakra being blocked include chronic sore throat, mouth ulcers, and/or constant dental issues.

    Practicing the lion’s breath helps with opening your throat chakra. Start by taking a deep breath, inhaling through your nose and out through your mouth—opening your mouth as wide as you can as you exhale.

    The best gemstones for the throat chakra include Amazonite, Aquamarine, Turquoise, and Blue Agate.

  6. 3rd Eye Chakra: This chakra lies in the center of the forehead. It represents perception and awareness and acts as the bridge to higher consciousness. An aligned and open third eye chakra can bring about wisdom and deepen ones spiritual connection. It feels like a break through once this chakra is awakened. The element of this chakra is light, which is telling as it will grant you the ability to see a deeper truth that you were once unaware of. Those with a blinded third eye will find themselves in confusion, uncertainty, constant fear of the unknown, and feeling as though they lack purpose. Physically this can cause migraines, poor vision, sciatica, and/or seizures.

    Alternate nostril breathing can assist in balancing the third eye chakra. Close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale through the left nostril for three counts. Close the left nostril with the left ring finger, release the right nostril and exhale for three counts through the right. Keep the left nostril closed as you inhale through the right for another three counts. Close the right nostril with the thumb, open the left nostril and exhale for three more counts. Repeat this step for at least 3-6 minutes before resting and returning to normal breaths.

    The best gemstones for the third eye are Amethyst, Black Obsidian, and Clear Quartz.

  7. Crown Chakra: This chakra is all about spiritual connection. It is found on the top of the head and it grants a clear connection to the divine—allowing you a sense of your own divinity. When this chakra is balanced, you will have spiritual understanding and inner wisdom. Someone with a balanced crown chakra may also experience lucid dreaming, which is a type of dream where the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. When your crown chakra is blocked, you may be unable to connect with others or lack direction. Physical effects of this chakra being blocked can include insomnia, nerve pain, pineal gland disorders, Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia, and/or depression.

    To unblock your crown chakra, inhale from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown of your head and envision yourself going even higher. Follow through by exhaling all the way down to the base of your spine.

    The most effective gemstones for this chakra include Moonstone and Clear Quartz.

When using gemstone healing in conjunction with your chakra breathing, you should be using the gemstones specific to each chakra and placing those gemstones where the chakra is located for best results.

Remember, these practices do not grant overnight results. Instead, it is a lifelong practice and journey. Chakra breathing charges the chakras with energy. This means that although you may gain 100% battery, you are bound to lose some of that overtime if you do not continue your practice.

By consistently focusing on the convergence of energy the chakras possess, you allow yourself the ability to connect the mind with the body.

Taylor Lauren Williams

Born and raised in Buffalo, NY, which is known as “The City of Good Neighbors”, Taylor has always had a good sense of community. She is passionate about her work. Her love for sharing knowledge is how she found her way into Journalism. She prides herself in making sure that people have accurate information because it aids in obtaining the best outcomes. In May of 2019, Taylor received a Bachelor’s degree from Canisius College in Journalism and Communications and minor studies in Sociology with a concentration in Child, Family, and Community Studies.

Taylor is currently pursuing dual Master’s degrees and licensing in Counseling. She will receive her Master’s degree and licensing in School Counseling in December 2024, followed by a Master’s degree and licensing in Mental Health Counseling in May 2025. These advanced studies reflect her dedication to fostering mental health and well-being in both educational and community settings.

Although she may seem quiet or shy upon first introduction, Taylor has a vibrancy that is undeniable once you're allowed a look within. She is observant and curious, and the passion behind her curiosities is what ensures her drive. As a mediator-type personality, Taylor is often trying to understand other people’s true feelings. She is creative and a risk-taker. She finds her own lane and when that one seems to look a bit over-saturated, she’ll begin setting the foundation down for a new one.

Authenticity is a cornerstone of Taylor’s character. She seeks opportunities for self-expression and remains true to herself in all endeavors. She values the differences among people while appreciating the commonalities they share. Open-minded yet loyal to her own values, Taylor navigates her world with integrity and insight.

Taylor’s efforts are aimed at sharing her situated knowledge and the extended insights of those she welcomes to her platform, providing valuable perspectives on various topics. As a future counselor, her traits of empathy, active listening, patience, and strong ethical values will undoubtedly enrich the lives of those she serves.

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