The People Pleaser’s Guide to Saying ‘No’

Many people struggle with saying ‘no’ effectively. Sometimes it’s because they leave opportunity for the other person to persuade them into saying ‘yes’ to whatever they’re asking. But, it is important to remember that ‘no’ is a complete sentence that needs no further explanation. Being assertive, yet respectful in your ‘no’ can reassure that the other person understands that you hold the power in this situation.

Many people use manipulation tactics when making certain requests. They may try to shame or trick you in their favor. You give yourself an advantage once you understand these tactics because knowing that someone is trying to manipulate you into a situation can also remove the guilt you may feel when you tell them “no”.

Putting yourself first ultimately has a positive effect on your relationships. Always saying ‘yes’ and putting others’ needs before your own can lead to burnout—which can be the cause of loss of motivation, decreased satisfaction, feeling helpless, detachment, and more. Therefore, it’s important to occasional deny plans or requests, so that you can grant yourself alone time to recharge.

It’s important to set boundaries in the beginning of your relationships. This way saying ‘no’ becomes a little bit easier and allows you to remove the fear of potentially damaging your relationships because people may avoid making certain requests altogether because they already understand the limitations that have been set by you.

If you still fear saying ‘no’ and potentially letting people down, try offering an alternative to their request. An alternative can be you offering them a different date or time or suggesting that they ask someone else. By offering an alternative, you’re not completely shutting them down, but you’re still allowing yourself to uphold your set boundaries.

Taylor Lauren Williams

Born and raised in Buffalo, NY, which is known as “The City of Good Neighbors”, Taylor has always had a good sense of community. She is passionate about her work. Her love for sharing knowledge is how she found her way into Journalism. She prides herself in making sure that people have accurate information because it aids in obtaining the best outcomes. In May of 2019, Taylor received a Bachelor’s degree from Canisius College in Journalism and Communications and minor studies in Sociology with a concentration in Child, Family, and Community Studies.

Taylor is currently pursuing dual Master’s degrees and licensing in Counseling. She will receive her Master’s degree and licensing in School Counseling in December 2024, followed by a Master’s degree and licensing in Mental Health Counseling in May 2025. These advanced studies reflect her dedication to fostering mental health and well-being in both educational and community settings.

Although she may seem quiet or shy upon first introduction, Taylor has a vibrancy that is undeniable once you're allowed a look within. She is observant and curious, and the passion behind her curiosities is what ensures her drive. As a mediator-type personality, Taylor is often trying to understand other people’s true feelings. She is creative and a risk-taker. She finds her own lane and when that one seems to look a bit over-saturated, she’ll begin setting the foundation down for a new one.

Authenticity is a cornerstone of Taylor’s character. She seeks opportunities for self-expression and remains true to herself in all endeavors. She values the differences among people while appreciating the commonalities they share. Open-minded yet loyal to her own values, Taylor navigates her world with integrity and insight.

Taylor’s efforts are aimed at sharing her situated knowledge and the extended insights of those she welcomes to her platform, providing valuable perspectives on various topics. As a future counselor, her traits of empathy, active listening, patience, and strong ethical values will undoubtedly enrich the lives of those she serves.

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