Tips for Building Confidence

If you’re experiencing a lapse in confidence, there are plenty of steps you can take to get back to your best — here are a few to consider.


There are many forms of meditation and a number of these are conducive to improved perspective and better mental health. Mantra meditation, for example, allows you to focus on specific words or phrases to encourage positive change. Vipassana meditation, on the other hand, can help you to intensely examine aspects of your existence, whether this be suffering, impermanence or some other issue, in order to gain true insight and overcome anxieties.


Exercising is important for anyone looking to build confidence and getting up and moving is key for recovering from poor mental health. If you’ve been out of the game for a while, start with small steps and work your way up. Often a long walk or a mild jog is enough to release those ever-important endorphins and can help you get into a routine that leads to more exertive cardio workouts or weight sessions.


Books are an indispensable tool for helping us navigate life’s many issues but the act of reading itself is a form of therapy too. If you’re not into self-help books, even sitting down to slow your mind and turn the pages of a good fiction novel can prove hugely beneficial. Often, extending your attention span and learning about a new subject is enough to drastically improve your sense of confidence and day-to-day mood.


If you find work is a major source of stress in your life, it might be time to consider a new career. With the advent of remote learning, re-skilling and changing lanes is easier than ever before. All the tools you need to do so safely and effectively are available online - for example, you can now easily create a professional-looking resume by using free templates. This resume builder allows you to quickly add your own copy, photos, colors and images.


It’s an evident truth that the way we look on the outside can affect the way we feel on the inside. For this reason, sometimes it’s worth revisiting our wardrobes so that we can re-enter the world embodying positivity and self-assurance. Take some time to explore fashion trends online and look specifically at people you admire - a change in colors, fabrics and shapes can do wonders for our esteem.

Social Life

Of all the factors that affect confidence, none are as important as the people you surround yourself with. If you want to discover your best self, you may need to think long and hard about your friendship circles and make some changes to remove any toxicity. If you’re struggling to meet new people and want to introduce new faces into your life, try using social media to join clubs, groups or charities where you’ll find a constant flow of like minded souls all looking to connect.

Making a decision to work on yourself or change aspects of your life is half the battle when it comes to self-improvement. By taking your first step and adapting your routine even in a small way, you’ll soon be well on your way to a stronger, healthier, more confident you.


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