Simple Lifestyle Changes to Protect the Planet

These days, the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent. From unprecedented hot weather even in relatively temperate parts of the world to a surge in forest fires across California, life is getting harder for people everywhere. It's natural to feel anxious about climate change, but if we all make small changes to our lifestyle, it can make an enormous difference.  

Today, Haute Green Tea shares some small but crucial lifestyle changes that we can all make to ensure a brighter, safer future for our children and grandchildren.

 Eat Less Meat

Try to eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat and dairy. If going vegan is too much for you, just cut back on what you consume a little. Your heart and waistline will thank you, and you'll be helping animal welfare and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the process.

Walk More

Take advantage of the local public transport network. Invest in a Tap Card if you live in Los Angeles, or find your city's equivalent. Walk whenever you can, or carpool with your colleagues. You'll save money, get fitter, and be protecting the environment too.

Make Recycling Your Business

Our habits as consumers can have a huge influence on the environment. Recycling packaging and trying to reuse or repurpose products you already own is a good starting point. But if you've got a specific skill, whether that's cooking, sewing, or soap making, why not start your own eco-friendly business? Upcycle old, unwanted products and source anything you have to buy new from local, eco-friendly companies yourself to reduce waste at every stage of the supply chain.

Consider starting a limited liability company (LLC) so you can enjoy the tax benefits, limits to liability, and paperwork benefits. The rules on LLC formation and management can vary across the country, so check your state's rules before starting work. If you’re wondering how to start an LLC, the process can be a bit technical but an online formation service to save you lots of time and paperwork. Be sure to check out Legal Zoom reviews for LLC by to learn more about your options for creating an LLC online.

Cut Out Waste

Whether at work or at home, finding ways to eliminate waste from your life can add up to big changes. Try to avoid printing documents unnecessarily, for example. You can merge PDF fileswith an online tool, making them easier to use and search through on your computer if you reference them frequently. You’ll also waste less time trying to find what you’re looking for.

Another way to cut waste at home is to create your own cleaning supplies. Sites like have tons of tips and tricks for cleaning, including some natural alternatives to household cleaners. Then you can work on ridding your home of waste while keeping harmful chemicals out of the environment, too.

You can streamline the process of running your business and improve your green credentials by using an online invoice generator. Instead of wasting resources printing and posting invoices, generate electronic invoices with your company name, logo, and other images. The best invoice generators let you choose from a variety of formats when you download your invoice so you can send the invoice in a format your clients can understand.

Tame the Feeling of Uncertainty

It's natural to feel fearful of the effects of climate change, but letting that fear impact your day-to-day life isn't productive. Use your concern productively by making some of the changes to your lifestyle listed above and researching other changes such as carrying reusable cups with you or perhaps swapping to an electric car

Control your climate anxiety with techniques such as mindfulness and meditation. Accept that the only thing you can truly control is what you do. You can educate and influence your friends and family, but you can't single-handedly change the world. Prepare as best you can for anything that might go wrong in your area, such as floods or fires, but make sure you practice self-care too!


The Power Is in Your Hands

Feeling some climate anxiety is a good thing if it prompts you to make changes such as using your car less, eating less meat, or even starting your own green business, but it's important to take care of yourself, too. The end goal is to protect the planet so that all of us can have richer, fuller lives free of constant worry for your children’s future.


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